Use the Directory of Services to locate organizations by name by clicking on the first letter of their name.
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REM North Dakota Devils Lake
Devils Lake, ND
REM North Dakota Grafton
Grafton, ND
REM North Dakota Grand Forks
Grand Forks, ND
REM North Dakota Minot
Minot, ND
RRV Community Action - Michigan
Michigan, ND
RS Jack & Jill (Hebron)
Hebron, ND
RSR Human Service Zone
Wahpeton, ND
RSVP - Devils Lake Region
Devils Lake, ND
Rainbow Court Southside Villa Apartments
Wahpeton, ND
Ramsey County Auditor
Devils Lake, ND
Ramsey County Emergency Management
Devils Lake, ND
Ramsey County NDSU Extension Office
Devils Lake, ND
Ramsey County State's Attorney
Devils Lake, ND
Ramsey County Tax Equalization Office
Devils Lake, ND
Ramsey County Veteran's Service Office
Devils Lake, ND
Ransom County Auditor
Lisbon, ND
Ransom County Emergency Management
Lisbon, ND
Ransom County Food Pantry
Lisbon, ND
Ransom County Housing Authority
Ashley, ND
Ransom County NDSU Extension Office
Lisbon, ND
Ransom County Public Health
Lisbon, ND
Ransom County State's Attorney
Lisbon, ND
Ransom County Veteran's Service Office
Lisbon, ND
Rape and Abuse Crisis Center of Fargo/Moorhead
Fargo, ND
Rebuilding Together - Bismarck/Mandan
Mandan, ND
Rebuilding Together Fargo/Moorhead Area, Inc.
Fargo, ND
Red River Valley Community Action (Grand Forks)
Grand Forks, ND
Red River Valley Dental Access Project
Moorhead, MN
Regent Senior Citizens
Regent, ND
Rehab Services, Inc.
Minot, ND
Renville County Auditor
Mohall, ND
Renville County Emergency Management
Mohall, ND
Renville County First District Health Unit
Mohall, ND
Renville County NDSU Extension Office
Mohall, ND
Renville County State's Attorney
Mohall, ND
Renville County Tax Equalization Office
Mohall, ND
Renville County Veteran's Service Office
Sherwood, ND
Representative Payee Services
Fargo, ND
Retired Teachers Association/NDRTA (North Dakota)
Bismarck, ND
Rhame Pioneer Senior Citizens
Rhame, ND
Rhode Island Office of Healthy Aging
Cranston, RI
Richardton Health Center
Richardton, ND
Richardton Senior Citizens
Richardton, ND
Richland County Auditor
Wahpeton, ND
Richland County Emergency Management
Wahpeton, ND
Richland County Health Department
Wahpeton, ND
Richland County NDSU Extension Office
Wahpeton, ND
Richland County State's Attorney
Wahpeton, ND
Richland County Treasurer
Wahpeton, ND
Richland County Veteran's Service Office
Wahpeton, ND
Richland Wilkin Emergency Food Pantry
Wahpeton, ND
River Square
Fargo, ND
River Square 1
Fargo, ND
Riverview Place Assisted Living
Fargo, ND
Roadside 66
Crystal, ND
Robinson Senior Center
Robinson, ND
Rock Lake Cafe
Rocklake, ND
Rock of Ages, Inc.
Jamestown, ND
Roger Maris Cancer Center
Fargo, ND
Rolette Cafe
Rolette, ND
Rolette Community Care Center
Rolette, ND
Rolette County Auditor
Rolla, ND
Rolette County Emergency Management
Rolla, ND
Rolette County NDSU Extension Office
Rolla, ND
Rolette County Public Health District
Rolla, ND
Rolette County Senior Meals & Services
Rolla, ND
Rolette County State's Attorney
Rolla, ND
Rolette County Tax Equalization Office
Rolla, ND
Rolette County Veteran's Service Office
Rolla, ND
Rolla Drug, Inc.
Rolla, ND
Rolla Food Pantry - Dakota Prairie CAA
Devils Lake, ND
Rolla Jewel City II Apartments
Fargo, ND
Rolla Munro Apartments NW and Munro Townhouses
Rolla, ND
Rolla Senior Citizens Club
Rolla, ND
Roosevelt Custer Regional Council
Bowman, ND
Roseadele Basic Care
Jamestown, ND
Rosewood Court Assisted Living
LaMoure, ND
Roughrider North Human Service Zone
Dickinson, ND
Royal Oakes Good Samaritan Assisted Living
Oakes, ND
Rugby Senior Center
Rugby, ND
Rural Cass County Emergency Food Pantry
Casselton, ND
Rutland Senior Citizens
Rutland, ND
Ryan House
Grand Forks, ND