21 First Avenue SE
Minot, ND 58701
The Minot Commission on Aging offers services to the elderly such as Congregate, Home Delivered, and Frozen meals, Health Maintenance, Carrier Alert Program, Senior Companion Program, Homemaker Services, and Telephone Reassurance.
The program also has equipment available for loan. Individuals must call the office to reserve equipment. Equipment available includes: walkers, audio equipment for those who are hearing impaired, and a See-Tec machine for those who have visual impairments (must be used in the office only).
Transportation is provided by Souris Basin Transportation.
McHenry Commission on Aging meets three times per year. Meals are provided by Minot Commission on Aging.
Service Categories
Assistive Technology Equipment, Assistive Technology Equipment, Health Screening/Maintenance, Information and Referral, Legislation Information, Meals, Meals, Meals, Meals, Medicare, Older Adults/Aging Issues, Older Adults/Aging Issues, Older Adults/Aging Issues, Senior Centers, Senior Centers, Senior Centers, Tax Information/Assistance