Provider Details

Dickey Senior Center

Address: (See Map)

304 Main St
Dickey, ND 58431

Mailing Address

PO Box 5
Dickey, ND 58431

Contact Information:

Phone: (701) 883-5088
Website: Click Here to Visit Our Website
Email: [email protected]


The center offers outreach services, chore and volunteer services, recreational activities such as cards, health screenings and transportation.

The outreach worker is Susan Reinstra, 701-883-5088, LaMoure, ND.

Health screenings consisting of blood pressure checks are held on occasion, generally once a month. Meals come from LaMoure three days a week. Meals are served around 11:30 am. Seniors can sign up for meals with a phone call. Meet at the center on Wednesdays for a meal and cards.

Transportation is through the county van.

Service Categories

Health Screening/Maintenance, Older Adults/Aging Issues, Older Adults/Aging Issues, Senior Centers

Geographic Areas Served

  • Cities Adrian, Dickey
  • Counties LaMoure
  • Regions Region VI


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Last Update Date: 01/15/2025

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